How to Prepare for Flu Season

Winter is here, and with it comes flu season. There are different ways to help you prevent yourself and others from getting the flu. Whether this is getting the flu jab or taking care of your body’s health, these methods will prevent anyone close to you from getting the flu.

Preparation for Flu Season

There are different ways to boost your immune system to prepare for the flu season. This can be done by taking supplements and/or eating more healthy food. The combination of both things will help your immune system to fight off the flu.

Another way you can help prepare/prevent yourself from getting the flu is by following simple hygiene rules that you can follow throughout your daily life. These are:

  • Washing your hands regularly – especially before handling food and after going to the toilet
  • Avoiding touching your face before washing your hands – as you could be spreading the germs you’ve touched on different surfaces
  • Clean frequently touched items (e.g. door handles, light switches, counters) this is so the germs will be killed on their surfaces
  • Limit contact with people who are sick
  • Limit the amount of time you spend in crowded places

By following these rules, you will reduce the likelihood of getting the flu or spreading it to people around you.

Aside from looking after your body’s health, the first initial response to someone preventing himself or herself from getting the flu is by getting the flu jab. It is recommended people should get their jab at the start of the flu season, which is around October. This allows the people who are more susceptible to getting the flu to be protected when flu season is in full swing.

How to get over the flu

Once you have had the flu, you need to allow your body to get over the illness. Everyone knows someone who has different methods on how to get over an illness. However, even though everyone has ways to get better, there are some things you should do to help you get better from an illness.

These are:

  • Drink lots of water
  • Sleep more than normal – this gives your body time to rest and repair quickly
  • Take antivirus medication
  • Eat healthy food – this increases the number of vitamins your body has access to
  • Keep warm
  • Take ibuprofen or paracetamol – this eases any pains and/or fevers
  • Saline nose drops – blow your nose after every use to clean out your nose
  • Steam – this helps you breathe better

Following these suggestions will help you recover from your illness a lot sooner than if you don’t try anything.

How to help

Here at VitaProHealth, we provide the highest quality supplements available to help you through the flu season. Our immunity supplements are the best vitamins for vegans and gluten-free giving their bodies everything they need. If you have any questions about exactly the best vitamins are for you or want to know more about our immunity lifestyle, please contact us via email at

Have a look at our immune system page for tips and tricks on how to improve your immune system. Or have a look at the NHS flu page for more information and the list of flu symptoms.