Can Changing Your Diet Improve Your Mood
It is widely known that changing your diet can improve your body’s health. However, did you know that changing your diet can also help improve your mood? No, well most people don’t, so here’s a list of all the different ways changing your diet can help improve your mood.
Eating Regularly
If your blood sugar levels drop you may feel fatigued, irritable or depressed. Eating regularly helps to keep your blood sugar levels at a normal level. Eating foods that slowly release energy also helps to regulate your blood sugar levels.
Some slow-release energy foods include wholegrain bread and cereals, pasta, rice and oats.
Top Tips!
- Eating a healthy breakfast.
- Try eating small portions often instead of large meals at lunch and dinner.
- Avoid foods such as sweets, biscuits, sugary drinks and alcohol.
Staying Hydrated
You might find it harder to concentrate or think clearly whilst being dehydrated. Dehydration may also cause constipation this could also cause you to be in a bad mood.
Top Tips:
- The recommended amount of liquid intake is 6-8 glasses daily (3.7 litres of fluids for men and 2.7 litres of fluids for women).
- Tea, coffee, juices and smoothies count toward your daily liquid intake.
- Water is the most efficient and healthiest option.
Managing Caffeine Intake
Consuming caffeine will alter your mood as it is a stimulant, this means that it will give you energy for a short period of time after a period of time your caffeine levels will start to decrease which causes a change in your mood. Many people feel depressed and anxious as the caffeine runs out. You can also get caffeine withdrawal symptoms if you don’t have caffeine during the day.
Caffeine is a stimulant, which means it will give you a quick burst of energy, but then may make you feel anxious and depressed, disturb your sleep (especially if you have it before bed), or give you withdrawal symptoms if you stop suddenly.
The main products that contain caffeine are chocolate, tea, cola, energy drinks and coffee.
Top Tips:
- Try decaf Teas and Coffee.
- Avoiding products that contain caffeine altogether will make you feel better quicker.
Eating The Right Fats
The brain needs fatty acids (such as omega–3 and -6) to help it to function correctly. So avoiding all fats (even the good fats) is incorrect as the brain needs good fats to function well.
Some products that contain good fats are oily fish, poultry, nuts, olive and sunflower oils, seeds, milk, yoghurt, cheese and eggs.
Top Tip:
- Avoid foods with ingredients listed as ‘trans fats’ or ‘partially hydrogenated oils as these can make you feel down.
Being A Mindful Eater
Being a mindful eater helps with your mood as eating slower allows your body to recognise that it is full. This helps improve your mood as you’re not feeling groggy and sick after eating.
Top Tips:
- Write a shopping list out, don’t shop hungry.
- Eat when hungry not when you’re ravenous as this allows you to eat slower.
- Don’t be on electronics or reading whilst eating, focus on your food.
- Allow your senses to study the food you’re eating as this slows you’re eating.
Try Out Our Products:
We have a range of products that can help you with your mood.
Routine Ashwagandha Capsules For Stress and Anxiety can help you ease your stress, boost your immune system and have a positive effect mentally on your cognitive thinking.
Routine Organic Turmeric Blend For Depression helps to relieve symptoms of depression by fighting chronic inflammation, which has been linked to depression.
Routine Ashwagandha Capsules For Mental Clarity is made up of an all-natural combination of herbs, roots and vitamins. It can help support your mental clarity and brain function.
Here are some websites and YouTube videos with more information on how food can affect your mood:
- Mind U.K –
- Depression diet –
- Food for thought –
- Tips on how food affects your mood –
Everyday Tips
- Have a healthy breakfast every morning.
- Include starchy foods (potatoes, rice, pasta and multigrain bread) in your lunch and dinner.
- Have healthy snacks between meals (fruit, veg, nuts, yoghurts and oatcakes).
How To Help
Here at VitaProHealth, we provide the highest quality supplements available to help you with your needs. Our supplements are the Best Vitamins and Minerals for people who keep vegan helping to give their bodies everything they would need. If you have any questions about what the best vitamins are for you or want to know more about our General Health page, please contact us via email at
22 June 2022 @ 07:17
Amazing article. Well worth a read.